Managing Someone Else’s Money Guides
Money Smart for Older Adults
A product of a CFPB and FDIC partnership, Money Smart for Older Adults promotes awareness among older adults and their caregivers on how to prevent elder financial exploitation and encourages advance planning and informed financial decision-making. The materials include a consumer resource guide, available in English and Spanish, and an instructor’s manual that can be used to facilitate training sessions.
Report on the Economic Well Being of U.S. Households in 2015
Advancing K-12 Financial Education: A Guide for Policymakers
Integrating financial education throughout the K-12 experience represents a promising opportunity to reach consumers at a pivotal point in their development and their financial lives. This resource guide is meant to help connect policymakers with tools, information, and insights to enhance K-12 financial education efforts. While the guide is targeted at policymakers, the guide was designed to benefit all members of the financial education community.