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Climate Change Resources

Climate change can affect your family’s financial well-being. Below you will find a curated collection resources from across the U.S. Government that can help you learn about and prepare for climate-related challenges. 


The U.S Department of the Treasury released a report prepared in consultation with members of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, entitled The Impact of Climate Change on American Household Finances. The Urban Institute also hosted an event surrounding the report’s release to discuss along with Executive Branch officials and policy advocates.

Read the Report

Learn about exposure to climate hazards

Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA) 

You can use this mapping tool to learn about which climate-related hazards are occurring today, and check how your exposure to five common climate-related hazards is projected to change over time.

The U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit 

You can use the resources at this site to better understand and manage climate-related risks and opportunities, and learn about how to make your community more resilient to extreme events.

FEMA’s National Risk Index (NRI) 

You can use this interactive online tool to learn about which natural hazards pose risk to your community.

FEMA Flood Map Service Center 

You can use this site to find your official flood map, access a range of other flood hazard products, and take advantage of tools to help you better understand flood risk. 

HHS LIHEAP and Extreme Heat Map 

You can use the resources at this site to learn about your area’s exposure to extreme heat, and access resources related to the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

CFPB Resources for Housing Decisions 

Homebuyers, homeowners, renters, and real estate professionals can use linked resources to explore and understand their climate risk.

CDC National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network 

You can use the data, maps, and tools at this site to explore information related to air quality, water quality, chemical exposures, and other environmental factors that can impact public health.

Develop a plan of what to do if a climate hazard occurs 


This site provides information and resources to help you prepare for and respond to emergencies by taking steps like creating emergency plans, building emergency supply kits, and learning how to stay informed during emergencies.


You can use this app to receive real-time weather alerts, locate emergency shelters in your area, prepare for common hazards, and more.

FEMA Emergency Financial First Aid Kit 

You can access a the Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK) toolkit at this website that offers practical guidance, checklists, and resources to help you organize important financial information, assess your insurance coverage, create a budget, and develop a plan for your financial recovery.

CFPB Dealing with Disasters Guide

You can use resources at this site to learn about how to handle your money as you prepare for, recover from, or rebuild after a hurricane, tornado, wildfire, or other emergency.

CFPB Your Disaster Checklist 

Resources at this site can help you with collecting, copying, and storing your financial information, which could help you avoid problems and recover faster after a disaster. These resources are available in multiple languages.

NCUA Webinar on Climate-Related Preparedness 

You can watch a webinar at this site, hosted by the National Credit Union Administration in partnership with FEMA, that provides information on how credit unions and their members can prepare for and remain resilient in the face of climate-related disasters.

FDIC Money Smart Module on Disasters 

You can use resources at this site to learn why preparing for disasters is part of managing your financial health, as well as how to financially prepare for and recover from disasters.

Know that resources and support are available

You may be eligible for Federal programs such as:

FEMA Programs to Support Disaster Survivors 

FEMA has several Individual Assistance programs designed to support disaster survivors. You can apply for assistance at DisasterAssistance.gov and review different types of assistance to determine what best suits your needs.

SBA Disaster Assistance 

The SBA offers disaster assistance in the form of low interest loans to businesses, nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters located in regions affected by declared disasters. SBA also provides eligible small businesses and nonprofit organizations with working capital to help overcome the economic injury of a declared disaster. You can apply for assistance at DisasterLoanAssistance.sba.gov.

USDA FNS Disaster Nutrition Assistance Programs 

The USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service provides temporary nutrition assistance to eligible individuals and households affected by a disaster or emergency. You can contact your local or state office about Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Program (D-SNAP) at State SNAP Resources.

USDA Disaster Assistance Programs 

USDA provides a variety of programs to help farmers, ranchers, communities, and businesses that have been hard hit by natural disaster events.

Remain vigilant of fraud and scams if climate hazards occur

Consumer Solar Awareness

The Treasury Department works with other federal agencies, including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to spread the word about shutting down scams and bad business practices involving clean energy. You can access consumer advisories and educational resources from Treasury, CFPB, and FTC on residential solar power. Consumers can use this information to make informed decisions when shopping for solar power for their homes.  

FTC Dealing with Weather Emergencies 

You can use the resources and information at this site to learn about dealing with weather emergencies. The section Staying Alert to Disaster-related Scams offers advice on how to how to recognize and avoid common scams that can help you protect your finances and personal information.

CFPB Fraud and Scams 

You can access resources at this site to learn about how to avoid fraud and scams after a disaster event.


You can access the resources at this site, which provides information and assistance for customers of national banks and federal savings associations on topics including accessing bank branch services and frauds and scams.

Review insurance coverage

You can review coverages with your personal insurance provider.

Ask CFPB: Answers to common questions about insurance

You can find answers to questions about your home and auto insurance at this site.

FEMA NFIP FloodSmart.gov 

You can access resources related to FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) at this site. You can also learn about the importance of flood insurance, as well as proactive steps you can take to safeguard your home and belongings.

Make modifications to home and property

IRS Credits and Deductions Under the IRA of 2022 

You can access information at this site related to tax credits and deductions from the Inflation Reduction Act. The specifics of Inflation Reduction Act incentives may vary by location. You can consult with government agencies, utility companies, and insurance providers to determine which incentives may be available to you.

IRA Guidebook 

You can learn about learn about provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act at this site.

Department of Energy Savings Hub 

You can access resources at this site to learn about incentives like tax credits and rebates that you can use to make energy- efficient improvements to your home and property. Resources are available for homeowners, renters, and vehicle owners.

Examine finances and payments including bills and payment dates

Federal Direct Express

You can sign up for the Direct Express Debit Mastercard to receive federal benefits at this site. The FAQ page outlines which type of federal payments you may be eligible to receive on a Direct Express card account. 


You can use the resources and tools at this site to learn about budgeting, saving, investing, taxes, and protecting against fraud.

FDIC Get Banked 

You can learn how to set up a bank account at an FDIC-insured bank at this site.