Looking for help with making the best financial choices about major life events? Use this page to locate federal brochures, publications, websites and videos that can assist. The resources provide background information, helpful guidance, and hints and tips to assist with your decisions.
Select a topic from the life events list below to search for information. The site will display several federal resources, along with brief descriptions and links. If the search results are too broad, of if you want to focus on particular issues within your topic, you can narrow the search to get to the information you need.
If your topic is not covered in our life events categories, please use the search box on the navigation bar to locate the right information. Simply type in the word or phrase that describes your topic, and the site will do the searching for you.
New Child
The addition of a new family member can significantly impact your finances. Discover how to be financially prepared for this life-changing event.
Higher Education and Training
Higher education and training can be a great investment in the future. Learn how to financially prepare yourself or your children to pursue education and a career.
Life Partners
Marriage, remarriage, partnering, or divorce can all have big impacts on your personal finances. Gain a more complete understanding of the financial implications of these events.
Home Ownership
Buying a home is a significant financial decision. Whether you’re just entering the housing market or already own a home, you will find information to help you make informed decisions.
Unplanned Events
Unexpected events, can have deep and far reaching impacts, including impacts on finances, and may result in the need to make challenging financial decisions.
When you begin a new job, change jobs, or have a job loss, obtain the information you need about benefits and other changes to be prepared for the future.
Owning a Business
Whether you are starting, buying, or managing your business, you can find tailored resources here to help you create and sustain a successful business.
Planning for Retirement/Retiring
The sooner you begin planning your retirement, the easier it will be. Learn more about employer-provided and personal retirement savings plans and options, and other ways to build a more secure retirement.
Death of a Family Member
Get the facts now about being financially prepared for losses in the family.