Explains the costly consequences of default. Stresses that if you’re having trouble making your mortgage payments, you should contact your loan servicer to discuss your options as soon as you can.
Explains how reverse mortgages (RMs) can help older homeowners who are “house-rich but cash-poor” remain in their homes and still meet their financial obligations. Explains how the three types of RMs work: single-purpose, federally-insured, and proprietary; and how to get a good deal, and where to complain.
Lists options for help in managing your debt, including dealing with your creditors directly, contacting a credit counselor, and considering bankruptcy. What to watch out for from companies that promise to settle your debt.
Understanding how negative equity works in a vehicle trade-in can help you make a better informed choice about buying and financing a car, and determine.
Many companies that solicit new credit card accounts and insurance policies use prescreening to identify potential customers for the products they offer.
This site offers a one-stop toolbox of educational information and personal finance tips designed to help individuals in making smart financial decisions and better choices for their money. Individuals can learn about saving, borrowing, and managing credit, as well as how to get a free credit report each year and how to protect themselves from financial scams.
Not familiar with credit unions? At this site you will learn what a credit union is, what it has to offer, and how you may be able to join a credit union.
The Publications.USA.Gov website allows users to order from the hundreds of publications in the Catalog on topics such as credit, saving for retirement, investing and more.