Focus groups and/or interviews
Improving Consumer Mortgage Disclosures: An Empirical Assessment of Current and Prototype Disclosure Forms
This study presents the results of 36 in-depth interviews with recent mortgage customers, and quantitative consumer testing with over 800 mortgage customers, that examined how consumers search for mortgages, how well consumers understand current mortgage cost disclosures and the terms of their own recently obtained loans, and whether better disclosures could improve consumer understanding of mortgage costs, consumer shopping for mortgage loans, and consumers’ ability to avoid deceptive lending practices.
Bankruptcy Reform: Value of Credit Counseling Requirement Is Not Clear
The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 requires individuals to receive credit counseling before filing for bankruptcy and to take a debtor education course before having debts discharged. Concerns were raised that the new requirements could expose consumers to abusive practices by credit counseling agencies or become barriers to filing for bankruptcy.
Increasing Financial Literacy in America
This presentation reviews the state of federal spending and discusses the role of improved financial literacy as part of a three-pronged strategy (1) Improve Financial Reporting, Public Education, and Performance Metrics (2) Strengthen Budget and Legislative Processes and Controls (3) Fundamental Reexamination & Transformation for the 21stCentury (i.e., entitlement programs, other spending, and tax policy). The slides describe GAO's work on advancing financial literacy, including a review of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, and participation the Fiscal Wake Up Tour.
Financial Literacy and Education Commission: Further Progress Needed to Ensure an Effective National Strategy
The Financial Literacy and Education Improvement Act created, in December 2003, the Financial Literacy and Education Commission. Responding to the act’s mandate that GAO assess the Commission’s effectiveness, this report reviews its progress in (1) developing a national strategy; (2) developing a Web site and hotline; and (3) coordinating federal efforts and promoting partnerships among the federal, state, local, nonprofit, and private sectors.